Kubernetes vs OpenShift - Which is the better container management platform?

September 01, 2021

Kubernetes vs OpenShift - Which is the better container management platform?

If you're looking for a container management platform, you've likely come across Kubernetes and OpenShift. Both have gained a reputation for their ability to manage containers in a production environment. But which one is better? Let's take a closer look and compare.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google but is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Kubernetes has become the industry standard for container orchestration due to its flexibility and ability to run on any cloud or infrastructure.

What is OpenShift?

OpenShift is also an open-source platform that is based on Kubernetes. It was developed by Red Hat and is now owned by IBM. OpenShift includes Kubernetes and provides additional features to support enterprise needs, such as security, monitoring, and a developer portal.

Feature Comparison

Let's compare some key features of Kubernetes and OpenShift to determine which platform might fit your needs.


Both Kubernetes and OpenShift can deploy containers to the cloud or on-premises. Kubernetes is known for its flexibility in deployment options, while OpenShift provides an integrated platform that simplifies deployment.


OpenShift includes additional security features such as integrated certificate management, image signing, and role-based access controls. While Kubernetes also provides security features, it may require additional configurations to match OpenShift's level of security.


OpenShift has built-in monitoring and metrics capabilities, including pre-defined dashboards and alerts. Kubernetes relies on third-party monitoring tools or custom development to provide similar functionality.


Kubernetes is open-source and free to use, but it may require additional resources to set up and maintain. OpenShift has a paid enterprise version that includes additional features, support, and training.

Stats Comparison

Let's take a look at some statistics to get a better idea of how Kubernetes and OpenShift compare in terms of popularity and usage.

  • Kubernetes has over 45,000 contributors and is used by 87% of respondents in the CNCF's 2020 survey.
  • OpenShift has over 475 customers and is a leader in the container management market according to Gartner.


When it comes down to it, both Kubernetes and OpenShift are excellent container management platforms. The best choice for your organization depends on your specific needs in terms of deployment, security, monitoring, and costs. Kubernetes is widely used and free, while OpenShift offers additional enterprise features and support.

At Flare Compare, we recommend evaluating both platforms based on your needs and considering factors such as security and ease of deployment when making a decision.


  1. "Kubernetes." Cloud Native Computing Foundation, 2021, https://www.cncf.io/projects/kubernetes/.
  2. "OpenShift Overview." Red Hat, 2021, https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/cloud-computing/openshift/openshift-overview.
  3. "2020 CNCF Survey Results." Cloud Native Computing Foundation, 2020, https://www.cncf.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/CNCF_Survey_Report.pdf.
  4. "Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services." Gartner, 2020, https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3989698/magic-quadrant-for-cloud-infrastructure-and-platform-se.

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